CCN-UST Admission ongoing on Spring-2025 (January to June)

Subject List

i. General Education Courses:

No. CourseCode Course Title Credit
1 03141105 Bangladesh Studies 3
2 02311001 Bangla Literature 3
3 0232323 Bangladeshi writings in English 3
4 06111503 Introduction to Computer system 2
5 06111504 Introduction to Computer System ( Sessional) 1
6 03111001 Micro Economics 3
7 03111003 Macro Economics 3
8 06111501 Computer Application 3
9 05101001 Science in Daily Life 3
10 04101023 Human Resource Management 3
11 03141101 Society Ethics and technology 3
12 04211111 Labour and Industrial Law 3
13 03141002 Criminology 3
Total 36

ii. Core Courses:

No. CourseCode Course Title Credit Credit Hour
1 0231111 Introduction to Literature 3 3
2 0231112 Listening Skill I 2 2
3 0231113 Speaking Skill I 2 2
4 0231114 Reading Skill I 3 3
5 0231115 Writing Skill I 3 3
6 0231122 Listening Skill II 2 3
7 0231123 Speaking Skill II 2 3
8 0231124 Reading Skill II 3 3
9 0231125 Writing Skill II 3 3
10 0231214 Introduction to Linguistics 3 3
11 0231412 ELT Methodology 3 3
12 0232121 History of English Literature 3 3
13 0232211 Elizabethan and Jacobean Poetry 3 3
14 0232212 English Essay 3 3
15 0232213 Reading Short Story 3 3
16 0232221 Elizabethan and Restoration Drama 3 3
17 0232222 Neoclassical Literature 3 3
18 0232223 Introduction to Western Philosophy 3 3
19 0232311 Romantic Poetry 3 3
20 0232312 Victorian Poetry 3 3
21 0232313 The British Novel 3 3
22 0232314 American Drama 3 3
23 0232321 American Poetry 3 3
24 0232322 American Fiction 3 3
25 0232324 Literary Criticism 3 3
26 0232325 European Literature 3 3
27 0232411 South Asian Literature in English 3 3
28 0232413 20th Century Poetry 3 3
29 0232414 20th century Drama 3 3
30 0232416 Stylistics and Discourse Analysi 2 2
31 0232421 Contemporary World Literature 3 3
32 0232422 African and Caribbean Literature 3 3
33 0232423 Research Methodology 3 3
34 0232425 Greek and Roman classics 3 3
35 0232415 Seminar paper and Viva 2 2
Total 99 99