CCN-UST Admission ongoing on Spring-2025 (January to June)

Why Study in Department of English?

The study of English already encompasses a very wide range of topics, and this scope is only going to increase with time as the landscape of global textual output continues to shift and grow. Your studies in this department will provide you with the vocabulary necessary to discuss the vast array of forms that literature may take, as well as the aesthetic, intellectual, emotional, and even illicit pleasures that can result from this diversity. You will get an understanding of many ideas, which will enable you to read with more insight and make judgments that are more complex and delicate. You will gain knowledge of histories that elucidate the social circumstances that were present throughout the creation of popular culture, literary works, and other forms of artistic expression from all over the world. You will also get acquainted with the numerous ways in which literature helps us ask questions about who we are, not simply along the axes of gender, race, and class, which are commonly addressed, but also in ways that are so specific that they belong entirely only to the particular poem, book, essay, or play that you have in front of you at the moment.