CCN-UST Admission ongoing on Spring-2025 (January to June)

Subject List

CourseCode Course Title Credit
0613-1101 Structured Programming 3
0613-1102 Structured Programming (Sessional) 1.5
0713-1201 Basic Electrical Engineering 3
0713-1202 Basic Electrical Engineering (Sessional) 1.5
0541-1101 Calculus I 3
0533-1101 Physics 3
0533-1102 Physics (Sessional) 1.5
0231-1101 Fundamentals of English 2
0611-1103 Computer Fundamentals (Sessional) 0.75
0613-1104 Discrete Mathematics 3
0613-1105 Object Oriented Programming 3
0613-1106 Object Oriented Programming (Sessional) 1.5
0541-1201 Calculus II 3
0714-1203 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3
0714-1204 Electronic Devices and Circuits (Sessional) 1.5
0531-1201 Chemistry 3
0531-1202 Chemistry (Sessional) 0.75
0231-1102 English for professional purpose (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1201 Data Structure 3
0613-1202 Data Structure (Sessional) 1.5
0611-1203 Digital Logic Design 3
0611-1204 Digital Logic Design (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1205 Algorithm Design and Analysis 3
0613-1206 Algorithm Design and Analysis (Sessional) 1.5
0541-2101 Linear Algebra 3
0311-2103 Engineering Economics 2
0732-1202 Engineering Drawing and CAD (Sessional) 0.75
0613-1207 Competitive Programming (Sessional) 0.75
0612-1208 Database Management System 3
0612-1209 Database Management System (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1211 Applied Statistics 3
0713-1205 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation 3
0713-1206 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation (Sessional) 0.75
0613-1212 Digital Signal Processing 3
0613-1213 Digital Signal Processing (Sessional) 0.75
0541-2103 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3
0613-1210 Mobile App Development (Sessional) 1.5
0612-1301 Data Communication 3
0612-1302 Data Communication (Sessional) 0.75
0541-2201 Fourier Analysis and Laplace Transformation 3
0611-1303 Microprocessor and Embedded Systems 3
0612-1304 Microprocessor and Embedded Systems (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1305 System Analysis and Design 3
0613-1306 System Analysis and Design (Sessional) 0.75
0612-1307 Operating Systems 3
0613-1308 Operating System (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1310 Internet Programming (Sessional) 1.5
0612-1311 Computer Networks 3
0612-1312 Computer Networks (Sessional) 0.75
0611-1313 Computer Architecture 3
0613-1309 Theory of Computing 2
0613-1314 Software Engineering 3
0613-1315 Software Engineering (Sessional) 0.75
0613-1316 Artificial Intelligence 3
0613-1317 Artificial Intelligence with Python (Sessional) 1.5
0231-1201 Bangladesh Studies 2
0231-2101 Bangla Literature and Culture 2
0613-1318 Technical Writing and Presentation (Sessional) 0.75
0611-1401 Fundamentals of Internet of Things 3
0612-1402 Information Security and Forensic 3
0613-1403 Machine Learning 3
0613-1404 Machine Learning (Sessional) 1.5
0223-4201 Engineering Ethics and Professionalism 2
0613-1405 CSE Elective I 3
0613-1406 CSE Elective I (Sessional) 0.75
0613-1407 Project/Thesis 1.0
0613-1408 Industrial Attachment (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1407 Compiler Design 3
0613-1408 Compiler Design (Sessional) 1.5
0613-1409 Computer Graphics 3
0613-1410 Computer Graphics (Sessional) 0.75
0411-3101 Principles of Accounting 2
0413-3201 Engineering Management 2
0613-1411 CSE Elective II 3
0613-1412 Project/Thesis 3

List of Elective Courses

CourseCode Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite Courses
Elective I
CSE 479 Robotics and Computer Vision 3
CSE 445 Network Planning 3
CSE 447 Information Security and Control 3
CSE 459 Knowledge Engineering 3
CSE 449 Parallel and Distributed Processing 3
CSE 439 Computer Interfacing 3
CSE 477 Pattern Recognition 3
Elective II
CSE 433 Wireless and Mobile Communication 3
CSE 434 Wireless and Mobile Communication Lab 0.75
CSE 433 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques 3
CSE 433 Digital Electronics and Pulse Techniques 0.75
CSE 438 Internet on Things (IoT) 3
CSE 439 Internet on Things (IoT) lab 0.75
CSE 443 Simulation and Modeling 3
CSE 444 Simulation and Modeling Lab 0.75
CSE 437 Decision Support System 3
CSE 438 Decision Support System Lab 0.75
CSE 427 Digital System Design 3
CSE 428 Digital System Design Lab 0.75
CSE 471 Digital Image Processing 3
CSE 472 Digital Image Processing Lab 0.75
CSE 435 Optical Fiber Communication 3
CSE 436 Optical Fiber Communication Lab 0.75
CSE 485 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 3
CSE 486 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Lab 0.75
CSE 487 Data Analytics 3
CSE 488 Data Analytics Lab 3
CSE 487 Human Computer Interaction 3
CSE 488 Human Computer Interaction Lab 0.75
CSE 475 Multimedia Theory 3
CSE 476 Multimedia Theory Lab 0.75
CSE 465 VLSI Technology 3
CSE 466 VLSI Technology Lab 0.75