Course Registration Form

CCN-UST Admission ongoing on Spring-2025 (January to June)

1. Business Courses with GED

Course Title Credit
04102001 Business Ethics and CSR 3
04102009 Principles of Management 3
04102011 Principles of Accounting 3
04102013 Principles of Marketing 3
04102015 Principles of Finance 3
05422001 Business Statistics 3
02312001 English for Business Correspondence 3
06112503 Computer Application in Business 3
04102021 Legal Environment of Business 3
04102023 Economics 3
04102025 Accounting Theory & Practices 3
04102027 Research Methodology 3
06112501 E-Commerce & E-Banking 3
06112502 Management Information System 3
04102017 Taxation and Audit 3
04102003 Total Quality Management 3
04102005 Operations & Supply Chain Management 3
Total 51

2. Capstone Course

Course Title Credit
04102019 Strategic Management 3
Total 3

3. Major Courses

Major Course
Course Title Credit
04112001 Corporate Finance 3
Major Courses for Accounting (Any Five) [Total Credit- 15] 04112003 Corporate Tax Management 3
04112005 Accounting Theory 3
04112007 Strategic Management Accounting 3
04112009 International Accounting 3
04112011 Contemporary Accounting 3
Major Courses for Finance (Any Five) [Total Credit- 15] 04122001 Financial intermediation 3
04122003 Corporate financial strategy 3
04122005 Applied portfolio management 3
04122007 Rural banking and micro financing 3
04122009 Islamic banking and insurance 3
04122011 Financial Econometrics 3
04122013 International finance and Banking 3
04122015 Money and capital market 3
04122017 Fin tech 3
Major Courses for Marketing (Any Five) [Total Credit- 15] 04142001 Strategic Marketing 3
04142003 Tourism & Hospitality Marketing 3
04142005 Marketing For Nonprofit Organizations3
04142007 Global Marketing 3
04142009 Electronic Marketing 3
04142011 Relationship Marketing 3
04142013 Environmental Marketing 3
04142015 Advanced Marketing Research 3
04142017 Advanced Logistics Management 3
Major Courses for HRM (Any Five) [Total Credit- 15] 04132001 Manpower Planning & Personnel Policy 3
04132003 Human Resources Development 3
04132005 Performance Management 3
04132007 Human Resources Compliance 3
04132009 Industrial Relations and Labor Law 3
04132011 Change Management 3
04132013 Strategic Human Resource Management 3
04132015 Human Resource Information Systems 3

4. Viva- Voce Exam

Course Title Credit
04192100 Viva -Voce 3
04192300 Viva -Voce 3
Total 6

5. Thesis

Course Title Credit
04192200 Thesis 9
Total 9